To motorcyclists, the helmet is indispensable, and with the application of Bluetooth added in such a safety-matter tool, they can be a great deal. But are Bluetooth motorcycle helmets worth it? Will they facilitate your road trip?
Normally, such a huge barrier on your head will restrain communication purposes while riding with a team. For instance, the old-school helmet contributes zero effort to find the way in case you’re lost when it comes to navigation.
A Bluetooth helmet can stamp out such disadvantages to help you enjoy your ride better. It might not be an every-rider item, but thanks to its affordable price compared to the regular motorcycle helmet, it can be a modern necessity for some riders.
If you are interested in finding out more about the item and all of its functions, this article of is your right destination.
What Is A Bluetooth Helmet?

The ordinary helmet hinders hands-free activities
A Bluetooth helmet is superior to a typical helmet in just one word: Bluetooth. Generally, Bluetooth setup, which is a familiar function in every smart device, offers you wireless connections to a wide range of devices with a single touch of a button.
It is a short-distanced, convenient way to deliver files and facilitate hands-free communications. This technology is a breakthrough of the Internet revolution, making it an indispensable operation in the majority of smart devices.
The huge ordinary helmet preserves safety but hinders your multitasking by taking phone calls, streaming music, or communicating with other riders. Thus, the invention of Bluetooth motorbike helmets will be a game-changer.
As most of us own smartphones with speech recognition, it is easy to take advantage of Bluetooth capability through voice commands. And with Bluetooth attached to your helmet system, there will be lots of hands-free things possible while riding.
Add-on Bluetooth Helmet System
There are two possible setups: add-on and built-in. Though Bluetooth functions are similar, whether it is displayed as an add-on or built-in system, there are certain differences between the two arrangements that may come in your preference.
In the add-on system, so as to let your right hand sharply and safely control the throttle, the receiver-transmitter is designed on the left outer of the helmet. It is simply a package of functional headsets with buttons for fingertip control.
Some other settings available are handlebars-mounted control, wrist-mounted or clip-on remotes, keeping both hands focused on riding. Those auxiliary pieces are not a replacement for the headset; instead, they only serve the transmission of button commands.
Built-in Bluetooth Helmet System

Built-in Bluetooth helmet
Unlike the add-on system, the built-in one is a clear indication of the Bluetooth setup underneath the edge. Both speakers and the microphone are discreetly out of sight, which leaves the pure design of the helmet unscrambled.
Despite its high-fashion look, it seems to be more difficult to control. Voice commands might work compatible with this design. Such an inner arrangement can protect the components from external damages and facilitate any necessary replacement or upgrade.
Uses Of Bluetooth Latex Insurance
For those who are not familiar with latex, it is natural rubber which is potentially more harmful than silicone. You can see this nature-based component in gloves and some hearing aids as a waterproof solution.
Though a general population is not exposed to this element, some people have allergies to it, and it is important for them to assure that it does not exist in such a frequently-used item like a helmet. Restriction to contact with latex comes first.
The fact that if not cleaned properly, latex can become an ideal shelter to harbor bacteria makes a latex-free helmet a preferable option.
That said, latex-based items are softer and more eco-friendly than silicone. So, consider this product if you are not allergic and have properly hygienic maintenance.
Bluetooth Helmets Receive Calls

No need for a pull-over to pick up phone calls
What makes the Bluetooth helmet more convenient than its ordinary counterparts is the ability to reap signals from any Bluetooth-enabled device. The feature offers a great range of hands-free duties, including taking phone calls.
Bluetooth enables voice-command controls over your phone, which helps you decide whether to receive or reject calls. Normally, Bluetooth will transmit signals to announce which number is calling, and voice command allows you to pick up the important ones.
Not only can touchless calls be received, but text messages and emails can also be read out loud. The voice-command function can type and send your reply with ease. Not having to take hands off the throttle will definitely give you a safer ride.
Such a sense of convenience saves you time for a pull-over to answer an urgent call or message. It even reduces the traffic risks caused by using phones while riding, which has been a considerable factor in the high rate of accidents.
Bluetooth Helmets And Communication

Bluetooth helmets help you keep in contact with fellow riders
Making phone calls is simply one capability featuring Bluetooth settings in the helmet. Communication is another purpose of the system, thanks to the intercom microphone and built-in speakers included in the Bluetooth setup.
This is a huge advantage to every rider, especially fresh approachers finding joy in motorbike riding. Riding a motorbike is not easy, for example, on a compact route or in remote areas.
Communication then becomes the major assistance for freshers to keep track or navigate.Thanks to the integrated setup, the Bluetooth helmet’s remote control mechanism is extremely user-friendly, even with those who first try this heavy head protection on.
To all riders, it is of great assistance to keep in contact with fellow riders in a group via the helmet mic to obtain some trail leads or simply enjoy fun chats. A regular chat on the ride can moderate your tension and save you from getting lost in some unknown corners.
In case you get lost during the ride, your friends’ instructions through the intercom feature will lead you back to the right track. You can also call for your teammates’ help if you run into some trouble with your motorbike.
Riders in a group can work out to pin down navigation points without stopping by the side of the road. When you want to pull over for breakfast, for instance, it is easier to gather the whole group just by calling. Solutions to other riding issues can be discussed with ease, too.
In terms of communication purposes, Bluetooth motorbike helmets outweigh other rivals by possessing one of the greatest pieces of technology. Riders are not the only people who benefit from this wonderful application, but passengers gain some merits as well.
For passengers who have never been on a motorcycle ride, it is the sense of relaxation and confidence by talking to the rider via the helmet mic that guarantees their safety. The ordinary helmet obviously cannot allow medium-volume chats but rather yelling.
Passengers can also adjust positions to balance the motorbike. Through the Bluetooth-based voice transmission, they can receive instructions from the riders to shift or grip to lean for maximum comfort and also for a safer ride.
Bluetooth Helmets And Music

Bluetooth helmets offer you a compact space to stream music
An imperative function of Bluetooth that might bring a more joyful atmosphere to your ride is streaming music. When an extended trip might wear you out, music will do a great help in boosting your mood up, which is why this Bluetooth helmet becomes so valuable.
There is no need to prepare Bluetooth earbuds and a helmet while you have a 2-in-1 item coming in handy. Extra accessories become redundant because your favorite tunes will play along as soon as you sync the Bluetooth setup to your phone’s playlist.
This functional item offers you a compact space to stream music as if you own an on-the-go studio. Meanwhile, it still leaves spare room for you to be aware of traffic alerts and horns so that you can avoid unexpected incidents and collisions.
Music can improve your point of focus as long as you don’t turn up the volume to upholster external noises. Road hypnosis or drowsiness suffered from long rides will not be problematic when hands-free music soothes your mood with little distraction.
Motorbike stereo systems also offer similar merits but in the form of a blast at people around. Unless you want to draw unsought attention, a Bluetooth helmet is better at confining music to your sole enjoyment.
As mentioned before, loud music can be an immense hindrance to your ride. Potentially, it might block your ears from identifying environmental noise to respond timely. It is undeniable that such background noise can be extremely annoying; however, you still need to be aware of the ongoing occurrence.
If you do not stay alert of the happenings, you are more prone to undesirable collisions that might cause considerable damage not only to you but also to the surrounding people. You can even be fined if you accidentally disobey traffic regulations by ignoring the emergency siren, for instance.
Bluetooth Helmets And Navigation

Bluetooth helmets support navigating your destination
If you have a poor sense of direction, riding a motorbike alone or without any means of navigation can be your nightmare. To be more specific, in a long-distance trip or unfamiliar places, navigation is the top priority to avoid getting lost in the middle of nowhere.
Today is not the era for the frequent use of paper maps anymore; instead, the Bluetooth helmet will provide all you need to find your destination. No more pull-over is needed to investigate the ideal route for your ride.
Navigation apps like Google Maps will act up to your voice commands through the Bluetooth system attached to your helmet. Its job not only includes finding the right way but also arranges the quickest and congestion-free route for you to follow.
Not to mention, the anticipation of weather and other types of delays is also a terrific element contributing to your safety. Steep drop-offs in rural areas might challenge your navigating ability, then the Bluetooth helmet is your savior.
Bluetooth Helmets And Safety

Bluetooth helmets give riders more concentration to riding
Bluetooth helmets do contribute to traffic safety to an extent. As they utilize remote controls and mechanisms, you can handle the ride with more concentration. By using the voice-command capability, you can have little fear of unexpected accidents.
To elaborate, in case you have to take an important call while riding in the middle of the street, immediate pulling over might chaotically cease other vehicles or even cause collisions. In addition, staring at the phone while riding poses greater risks of fatal accidents.
The audio-command function of Bluetooth grants you the ability to tell what phone calls you should pick up, which messages or emails arrive. Thus, you can read your reply and command the phone to send it to the recipient.
However, it is debatable that this function can lead to a reverse impact on your sense of concentration on riding. The reason behind this school of thought is the use of music and other entertaining apps while riding.
If you tend to turn up the music loudly, it is a potential risk to people around that you might not hear the traffic signals from sirens and horns. It can even be more dangerous in case you ride with a team.
We recommend enjoying music only when you are on the road through jungles or coastline, where there is not much traffic.
Certain distractions from entertaining purposes seem to be threatening to motorcycle safety. As long as you alleviate the internal interruptions, the Bluetooth helmets are still worth a try, thanks to their wide variety of benefits.
Limitations Of Bluetooth Helmets
To answer the question: Are Bluetooth motorcycle helmets worth it? you should take the limitations of this tool under consideration as well. No piece of technology is flawless, so technical issues are inevitable. You may run into some of the following issues:

Twisted or curving roads can cause signal interruptions
The very first possible disadvantage of Bluetooth is the loss of connectivity. Bluetooth signal is a short-ranged transmission, which is quite vulnerable under certain circumstances or conditions, especially in areas emitting weak signals.
In rural areas, for instance, the connection cannot be as strong as in urban zones. Twisted or curving roads can also cause interruptions to the signal, which might leave the riders with pull-overs and hands-on controls.
Also, the distance between riders can not exceed 30 feet if you want to keep in touch with teammates.
With the voice-command capability, Bluetooth technology is obviously superior to analog technology. That said, in terms of distraction, if not used appropriately, the more advanced piece of tech can cause more remarkable disturbances.
Take music as an example; if the volume blocks all the surrounding noises, there is a high chance that accidents take place. If you unintentionally ignore the urgent siren of an ambulance car, specifically, you will face troubles regarding traffic regulations.
In fact, using the phone, with or without hands, is quite a remarkable distraction to riders. Voice-command is absolutely awesome, but you might be too busy to read a reply for a text message and forget to switch the turn signal.
Such a case can be extremely dangerous, especially if someone else is driving at high speeds driving towards. It can also be a circumstance when you ride ahead in a car. Injuries might be unavoidable to you and other riders as well.
Noise Reduction
Mentioning noises, integrated technology of Bluetooth helmets offers the clarification of internal sound quality, which filters out the external ones. Low-quality Bluetooth function tends to allow noise filtration to outweigh the importance of connectivity.
As one point overcompensates another, immense filtration provides a high-quality hindrance of noises from the outside, degrading the voice-command ability.
Verbal instructions are the core benefit of Bluetooth. Thus, if this function does not stand out, the item purchased is not worth its value. Regardless of how intense the background noise might be, the transmission from your command to your device has to be crystal clear.
Thus, noise-filtering technology should not be among prominent additional features when you have to receive traffic signals.
While filtering out wind noise and other background noise, the feature can ruin the volume of your voice, making it more difficult to communicate at high speeds. It is a barrier that the Bluetooth intercom mounting system cannot curb at a long distance.
Battery Life
Bluetooth, in fact, consumes a considerable portion of the battery. Not only will your phone’s battery be drained, but the helmet also needs a frequent recharge if you use the function daily or for multi-purposes, or even forget to turn it off.
Especially, the more time you spend on navigating and streaming music through Bluetooth, the shorter the battery life is. In a long ride, for instance, navigation is not the matter of a few minutes, and neither is listening to music to chill out.
For an item of safety like a motorcycle helmet, it is better to purchase high-quality ones. A Bluetooth helmet price range is not so different from the standard range, but the performance is definitely more exceptional.
If you lean towards a tight budget, a Bluetooth helmet is not a suitable option. This kind of helmet is unlikely to excel at a low price tag. Such a price can easily fail to compensate for the high-quality and professional system of technology.
An effective Bluetooth helmet usually contains durable internal arrangements and even a high-fashion design. With an item of traffic safety, it is worth investing at a high price range, not only for the purpose of security but also for long-term usage.
It is not a high possibility that your device can get hacked during a constant ride, but in case you stop by for a drink, there are chances that your connection might be interfered with by other devices through an unsecured wireless network.
It might be unintentional, but this sync can pose a potential threat to your phone or any device you connect to. Bluetooth is a wireless transmission that causes hacking into personal data, malware infusion, or more threatening issues.
In the case of hacking, a high-quality helmet, despite a less affordable price range, can provide a more ideal means of security. All the irrelevant signals from other devices will always be excluded from the system.
Only when another device is added under your command can it connect to your network. A data protection mechanism should also need to be activated to prevent breaches of personal information.
Final Words
The safety of the motorcycle helmet is of great concern, especially when the figures showed that motorbikes make up a large percentage contributing to the rate of fatal traffic accidents. The sturdy, durable helmet should be the priority.
Many people argue that the application of Bluetooth is likely to do more harm than good. It is undeniable that some certain distractions can result from the entertaining use of Bluetooth, such as listening to an interesting podcast or being drawn to an attractive tune.
However, the risk is minimal if you suitably adjust the volume to an appropriate range to avoid blockage of external noises. Traffic noise is quite disturbing, but sometimes, it helps you to stay away from troubles and protect yourself.
Meanwhile, the integration of Bluetooth technology is still a great advancement to every smart electronic device. The commonplace usage of this function spreads to the world of riders, which is a huge change in terms of communications and navigation.
No one can anticipate the further development of this helmet, but we can expect to gain greater achievements for the safety of every rider. So, are Bluetooth motorcycle helmets worth it? We appreciate and consider it as our companion on every trip. What about you? Give it a try and feel it.
Check the website for more information about helmets. Thank you for reading.