In recent years, there has been a considerable rise in the number of people riding motorcycles. To ensure wonderful riding experiences and ultimate safety, you will need a great and durable helmet. This requirement may trigger you to wonder how much does a good motorcycle helmet cost.
There are various types of helmets available at a diverse range of prices for you to choose from. Thus, it’s no wonder you face difficulties finding the most suitable one for yourself.
The following article will help you make up your mind by illustrating each helmet type’s characteristics and price. Take a closer look at the topic to bring home the best model!
Average Motorcycle Helmet Prices By Category
The price of your motorcycle helmet should be based on your personal preference and taste. The average amount you spend on a motorcycle helmet can vary between $200 and $500. At that price range, you can expect a mid-range quality motorbike helmet.
The fact remains that you pay for safety at roughly $250, and above that, you spend money on a high standard of comfort and extra features. While the most basic model will only cost you as low as $80, a high-quality one can have a hefty price tag of $700.
Each model will cost differently according to its safety level, design, and features. The suggestions below will make it easier for you to choose the best one by listing some noteworthy options. Let’s get started!
Safety Certifications
One of the common reasons for the fluctuation of helmet prices lies in the safety certifications. The price will depend greatly on your needs for safety.
Some people assume that the safety standard has little effect on the cost of a motorbike helmet. However, some manufacturers issue more thorough and rigorous safety examinations, causing the production cost to increase slightly.
If you want to have the safest riding experience, SNELL certification will do you good. SNELL-approved motorcycle products will cost you more than those with only the DOT approval yet boasting maximum protection.
Noise Reduction

Noise-canceling Product
Another factor that influences the price of a helmet is its ability to block noise. If you are looking for a model with the best noise-reduction attribute, you may want to save up to $700.
When you compare a motorcycle model that costs $200 with a $600 one, you will notice a significant difference in the noise-canceling system due to the adjustable foam pad system and ear cup design for maximum safety.
The higher the price is, the better is the materials; thus, the product protects your ears more extensively during the ride.
The ventilation system also plays an important role in the price differences. Having the ventilation on the product means that it will keep the motorcyclist’s head cool and help evaporate as much sweat as possible.
Motorbike helmets often have the option of opening or closing, suitable for different weather conditions. You can fully open it during warm seasons and close it during cold months.
The flexible adjustment of the ventilation will give you a wonderful experience whenever you ride a motorbike.
The weight of a motorbike helmet will directly affect the price range. Certain kinds of material used in the manufacturing stage will lead you to different experiences.
Lighter products tend to be more expensive because they are made with light yet durable material. Fiberglass and carbon are the two best materials to make a helmet for their strong and durable ability. As a result, these models require you to pay more for the high-quality production.
The material is the main factor that decides the weight and price of a product. In some cases, an expensive motorcycle helmet only weighs half of a mid-range one.

Diverse Kinds Of Visors
The type of the visor has its part in determining the total amount of money you pay for the helmet. It is a safety feature to keep bugs and debris away from your sight, avoiding discomfort when riding.
There are a wide range of choices for you to choose from, and each deal comes with a different price range. If you want your visor to be mirrored and clear, you will need to pay a higher price than standard visors, at about $450 and higher.
When you consider the price range of a motorbike helmet, comfort is a significant factor not to miss. It is a common fact that certain types of them will bring you different riding experiences.
A desirable model means that it has an incredible, rider-oriented design with extra features like Bluetooth connection, ears pad, ventilation system, and high-quality materials. That’s why a product with the greatest comfort will come at a higher price.
It would be best to spend money on a comfortable yet durable model for your safe ride in the long run. The price between $300 and $600 will provide you with awesome choices of products that meet these requirements.
How Much Is A Full-face Helmet?

Full Face Helmet
If you have just started growing interest in riding a motorcycle, a full-face helmet is an ideal choice for your safest experience. It is an all-around product suitable for all riders at any level, especially beginners.
This kind of helmet covers both your face and your neck, decreasing your chance of injury from falling or crashing. You can rely on a full-face product for ultimate protection when riding a motorbike.
A full-face motorcycle design costs between $60 and $4,000. The cost of this model will depend on several factors like weight, visor, noise reduction, etc. That’s why there is a huge gap in the price range.
Chin bar part is an outstanding feature of a full-face product, distinguishing it from other helmets. It will provide maximum coverage to your chin, preventing this facial area and your teeth from being injured if you get into an accident.
Based on your preference and riding style, there are various types of full-face products. If you are a sports rider, you will need a design that doesn’t lift facing high speed. The option of a product with a high chin bar part and a great visor will suit you.
However, if you prefer riding in an upright position, go for a helmet that has a low chin bar position and a straightforward visor opening for your comfort.
Despite the full-face design, the product has a great ventilation system to get rid of sweat and reduce fogging on the visor. You can easily open and close the visor according to your needs.
Recently, full-face products have been equipped with modern features, and the price is directly proportional to the development. This highly secured model now offers Bluetooth speakers, easy-to-see color choices, and tint visors that allow you to see in different sunlight conditions.
Average Price Of Modular Helmets

Modular Helmet
Modular helmets have gained in popularity over recent years, thanks to their brilliant features at an affordable price. You can expect a good modular motorcycle model to cost from $250 to about $650.
The ranging price of a modular motorcycle helmet falls between $110 and $900. Many factors affect the cost of a model, from its design, weight, to the features it offers.
The awesome design of this modular item comes with straightforward eye openings and a flip-up chin bar. It will meet all your expectations of a convenient item when riding.
The modular type ranks second when it comes to safety, only after the full-face design. It has different safety ratings in the open and closed positions. If your modular helmet doesn’t have a safety rating for the open position, it means that you should use it only in the closed position.
Modular helmets come with chin bar parts to give you a great time on a ride. When you pull the convenient flip of a chin bar up to make a quick phone call or check the map, the helmet will make it become an open-face one. You no longer have to suffer from the discomfort of taking your entire helmet off.
The flip-up visor of this model is ideal for protecting the eyes from bugs, debris, and external weather conditions like raindrops and wind. Some products even have one more visor for extra protection against the sunray.
You can choose to open or close the visor based on your preference. If you want to enjoy the scenery and the fresh air, let the visor up while riding at a low speed. If you prefer a fast and thrilling ride, it is recommended to keep the visor in a locked position for the safest ride.
This product now has many interesting features like Bluetooth speakers or a dual visor. That’s why the price is increasing considerably with time, even reaching $900.
Average Price Of ¾ Helmets

¾ Helmet
A ¾ helmet is also called an open-face model. The name of this model speaks for itself since it has no coverage at the front.
¾ motorcycle helmets have a price range from $40 to $1,550. The unique design and the incredible features make the price of this product vary greatly. You can expect to pay at least $100 for a good open-face model and up to $400 for a better experience.
This kind of helmet will cover your head, including the head’s back but often leave your face exposed. The ¾ version is a perfect choice for those who love the feeling of the breeze on their face.
In fact, when you remove your chin bar from a full-face product, you will get an open-face one. That’s why it offers the same level of protection for the head as the full-face model. The only difference here is that your face is unprotected with the open design.
If you want to take a breath while enjoying the gentle wind in the countryside, this ¾ model will give you an eye-opening ride. However, bear in mind that without face protection, you can get into trouble once you are on the highway.
For this distinctive point in the design, the product will include a visor to protect your eyes from direct sunlight. Some manufacturers will sell the visor separately, so be mindful of this issue before jumping to a purchase.
The design of this helmet is not as safe as that of a full-face one, but it will still satisfy your need for head protection. It will cost less than the full-face design since it doesn’t fulfill every expectation of riders when it comes to safety.
How Much Does A Half Helmet Cost?

Half Helmet
You can spot this model on the street regularly; it comes at the cheapest price among many options of helmets. You can buy a half motorcycle product at a price from $35 to $320.
However, choose a good model which will cost you between $100 and $250 for your satisfying ride. Weight and material are two factors to determine how much a half helmet will cost.
This model provides great protection from the top to the head’s back. There’s no coverage for your face, but don’t worry because many versions include DOT-approved for safety.
The good point of this design is that it comes with excellent airflow, allowing you to breathe easily when wearing it. Most half helmets do not include the face protection or a visor, so you had better think of glasses as an alternative to this shortcoming.
This item is suitable for those who are adventurous and wish to explore different locations on a motorbike at moderate speeds. The open design will allow you to feel the chilly wind passing through your face, giving you a relaxing time.
There are some cutting-edge features of this product, like Bluetooth speakers, boosting the maximal price point to $320.
Tips For Choosing A Motorcycle Helmet
When the market is full of attractive deals, you want to think carefully before deciding which motorcycle helmet will be the best one for you. To properly answer the question, “How much does a good motorcycle helmet cost?”, you would like to take into consideration some useful tips below.
Choose The Right Size For Your Head

Head Measurement
The first and foremost thing to decide is the shape and size of your head. Since this factor will directly affect your buying choice, pay attention to every detail of this step.
Generally, there are three head shapes: long oval, intermediate oval, and round oval. You want to determine your head size by wrapping a measuring tape around your head. Afterward, you will get an idea of the suitable helmet size you need, from small to large.
However, there is no particular size for each head shape. Manufacturers will take the most neutral size – the intermediate oval as the sample to make helmets.
Try to find the most suitable one closest to your head size to ensure a comfortable ride. If you go for a larger or smaller size than your head, you will find it uncomfortable to ride for long, consecutive hours.
Besides, too loose helmets won’t ensure the safety required to ride as they tend to flip in the wind.
Check The Helmet Carefully

Test The Helmet
After choosing the right size, try your choice on to make sure it completely fits your head before purchasing. Never jump to a hasty purchase without trying first to avoid wasting your money and a perfectly new item.
It’s best to buy the product directly at stores, not through online shopping. There’s nothing more accurate than checking the model yourself to ensure your safety and convenience.
One useful tip is to try whether two fingers fit between the strap and your chin or not. Neither a loose strap nor a tight strap will work. Remember, the key here is it fits you, and you feel comfortable wearing it.
Another small piece of advice is to wear the product for a couple of minutes to get its feel. You can test the chin strap by looking down towards your chest while pushing the helmet upwards from the back.
You may want to try on as many products as you want until you find the most suitable one for yourself.
Pay Attention To Safety Standards
Another important thing to consider when it comes to a good motorcycle helmet is the safety standards. As mentioned above, average motorcycle helmets cost between $200 and $500.
Your helmet must pass the standard level of protection that the local regulations require at a minimum. It is highly recommended to buy a helmet at credible stores since they can guarantee the safety standards for you.
The product should have, at least, the DOT standards or, for a better option, DOT and SNELL/ECE certified. When it comes to DOT and SNELL approvals, see if there are stickers or indications of these safety ratings on the helmet.
Choose The Suitable Color
This point might sound minor; however, it makes a considerable contribution to your safety. Go with the most visible color so that you can be spotted from a distance, even in the dark.
Light-colored motorcycle helmets are considered the most visible option, and they are safer than dark-colored helmets.
White is a good color because it makes you stand out from the background environment and improves your visibility. In addition, white motorcycle helmets will reflect sunlight and remain cooler during the summer months.
Seek For A Comfortable Helmet
Considering the comfort that a helmet brings to you is also a noteworthy factor. A light and comfortable item will help you concentrate better on riding.
When it is lightweight enough for you to even recognize that you are wearing a helmet, your riding experience will change positively.
Your mental health plays an important role in dealing with unexpected events that can happen on the road. That’s why you need to free your mind and prepare for the best emotional well-being when riding.
Don’t let an inconvenient product distract you from having a safe ride. Bear in mind that a perfect ride comes with a perfect helmet. You want to put your comfort and safety first before considering other categories for your helmet.
Consider Your Riding Style
This one is a question for yourself. Before choosing your favorite helmet, think about the way you ride your motorbike.
Different riding styles can end up with the need for different kinds of helmets. If you choose the wrong model, your whole experience will become a nightmare.
If you want to use your motorcycle as a vehicle to travel every day, you will need a model that allows you to lift your chin bar section or an effective product to protect you from sunlight with a brilliant visor.
For other purposes like going on long road trips, it is recommended to choose a helmet with the safest and latest features. Stick to models that have a strong chin strap and fixed position to get a safe ride.
After reading the article, we hope you will find an appropriate answer to the question, “How much does a good motorcycle helmet cost?” It is your turn to make up your mind and choose the best model at a wallet-friendly price.
There is a wide range of choices, and you need to carefully think about those available options. A high-quality model at an affordable price will serve you best when you wish to own an excellent motorcycle helmet.
Check the website for more information about helmets. Thank you for reading.